Oct. 31, 2017

Talking Travel Insurance With Stuart McDonald from Travelfish.org [Season 2 Episode 56]

Talking Travel Insurance With Stuart McDonald from Travelfish.org [Season 2 Episode 56]

We're here is to talk travel insurance and why it's so important. Stuart McDonald, the founder of Travelfish.org, Southeast Asia's best site for independent travel, was kind enough to join us from Bali to chat about it.

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The Bangkok Podcast

Before we get into the ins and outs of travel insurance with one of the most well-traveled people out there, we dive right back into the shallow end of debating whether or not Bangkok's traffic has improved. Why would it improve? Well, last month the police commissioner said that traffic police will no longer be setting up checkpoints...so, did it work? Evo weighs in (because Greg drives a car, and they get pulled over way less that motorbikes, which he's really happy about). But the real reason we're here is to talk insurance. Travel insurance, specifically, and why it's so important. Stuart McDonald, the founder of Southeast Asia's best site for independent travel - that's Travelfish.org in case you live in a cave - was kind enough to join us from his home in Bali about his experiences traveling, writing about traveling, and giving advice to people about traveling. For instance, did you know that if you ride a motorbike without a helmet and get in an accident, your insurance might be void? Why? Because you're breaking the law silly, and insurance companies loooove to find little loopholes like that. But these days it's more complicated than simply buying insurance and then heading off on an adventure. Among other things we talk about:

  • The ubiquity of social media and how it changes how bad news is spread and how people view travel
  • The importance of putting the effort into understanding how your insurance policy works in different countries
  • Why travel insurance probably isn't going to cut it if you cross the line from traveler to expat
  • Why most of these elements can be covered by simply using your noggin (to think with, not as a helmet holder)

Trust us folks, you'll be hard pressed to find someone as knowledgeable as Stu on how to travel properly. He's also a father, as well, so that makes his opinion doubly valid. Don't make him come back there!

Love, Loathe, or Leave

Have you ever put your hand into your pocket and pulled out a fistful of dollars baht? Evo has, and he hates it! It vexes him, the nasty coinses, and he's going to tell you why! It's a good thing too, because Greg had no idea what he was talking about until Evo explained his oddly specific coin rage.

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You want bonus episodes? You can get bonus episodes! This week we talked about germs, vacation days, and what it's like to take a holiday while working at a Thai company. Here's a hint: you don't have time to go very far. You can get that full episode when you join dozens of other people who help us keep the show free of annoying by supporting us on Patreon. Please?  Thank you!

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