Aug. 7, 2018

Thai Work Permits: What Just Changed? [Season 3, Episode 20]

Thai Work Permits: What Just Changed? [Season 3, Episode 20]

If you’ve even a passing interest in living in Thailand, you’ve likely heard of the recent changes to the Kingdom’s work permit laws - the legal requirements of being employed here there are written in stone which, it turns out, are not written...

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The Bangkok Podcast

If you’ve even a passing interest in living in Thailand, you’ve likely heard of the recent changes to the Kingdom’s work permit laws - the legal requirements of being employed here there are written in stone which, it turns out, are not written in stone.

Greg interviews Jerrold Kippen of the law firm of Duensing Kippen about these changes, which were highlighted in a recent article his firm wrote. It’s big news! Traditionally, Thai work permits for foreigners were interpreted very narrowly, meaning individuals were legally allowed to only work the exact job, in the exact capacity, and at the exact address specified in their work permit. Jerrold discusses a recent change that has sent shockwaves through Thailand’s expat community: it appears that changes to the labor laws mean that once an expat has a valid work permit, he or she will also be able to work any other type of job at any location, as long as that work is not specifically prohibited under Thai law. Greg and Jerrold discuss the significance of the change, what it means for the average Joe, and if it portends an overall liberalization of the employment laws here in Thailand, which would be a great relief for many.  

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