March 31, 2020

WHO’s Dr. Daniel Kertesz Talks COVID-19, Pandemics & Silver Linings [Season 4, Episode 24]

WHO’s Dr. Daniel Kertesz Talks COVID-19, Pandemics & Silver Linings [Season 4, Episode 24]

Greg interviews Dr. Daniel Kertesz of the World Health Organization, to confirm, deny, or simply explain in better detail some of the information that’s going around about the COVID-19 pandemic. It certainly is a strange time we’re living in....

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The Bangkok Podcast

Greg interviews Dr. Daniel Kertesz of the World Health Organization, to confirm, deny, or simply explain in better detail some of the information that’s going around about the COVID-19 pandemic. It certainly is a strange time we’re living in.

Beginning with questions about herd immunity and information gathering, Daniel explains that above all, we must be humble given the lack of information we have about this particular virus. This is not surprising, considering that the world barely knew anything about it only a few months ago, but still...we are incredibly well positioned to adapt and overcome. 

Daniel notes that a huge number of minds are focused on the problem around the world, and that disease researchers are much more connected than they were in the past. This new medical landscape allows data to travel faster and hopefully will lead to a vaccine. The big question, of course, is how long this will take...and at what cost. 

Next, the guys discuss Daniel’s two decades with WHO in Africa, the extent to which that continent is ready for coronavirus, and what lessons Daniel took from his time there that he and his time can apply in Thailand. The big question is - is Thailand on the right path to stamping this thing out? Daniel opines on the country’s preparedness plan and gives them an overall passing grade, but notes - most importantly - that we are all still learning about this virus. There are models that predict all kinds of endings, but when the day is done, all we can do is listen, learn, and do what we think is best based on previous experience. 

With that in mind - stay home, wash your hands, and do your part to ensure that we can all come out of this smarter and better prepared. 

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